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Monday, 4 May 2015


Professor Longinus Ezekaku Agu was a well measured man of about 4 inches. He was endowed with a puny body and we guessed tiny veins and arteries as well. His petit nature was however not uniform with his five sense organs.
His eyes were great and saucer-like, bearing the intensity of a bird of prey. His lips were meaty and blackened around the edges by harmattan burns and well, his ears stood out evidently by the sides of his head like cocoyam leaves. Geez! we often wondered how he must have looked at birth.
"you have failed! virtually all of you have failed Equity!" he began as he embarked on a slow voyage round the lecture hall.
The class in its entirety was thrown into a state of hysteric laughter which was not as a result of what he'd said but because of his over-sized jumper and suspenders.
"hahahahaha!" he guffawed loudly like a native doctor at his shrine.
"e will do you like lightening. what is the doctrine of Election?...mhmmmmm...what is promissory Estoppel? creation story!" then he nodded his head pitifully.
"Excuse me sir!" a coursemate of ours said as he stood to talk.
" shut up and sit down! isi nkoko! what do you want to say? look at him, he's not even properly dressed. No tie, no belt. My friend get up!" all of a sudden, prof. Longinus was no longer interested in the mass failure that occured in his test.
"what is your name?" the prof. demanded
"Agu Secondus! i hail from Mbaise Local Government Area na Ala Imo state". the young man replied.
Like the sky on a sunny day, the rage on his face quickly dissipated.
the prof. smiled"Nna kedu?" his terribly spaced dentition became so evident.
"Odinma sa!" secondus replied.
"Emmmm...i think i saw your name. you scored 9 over 10." prof. Longinus quickly announced to him.
Hmmmmmm? my eyes goggled in wonder. Secondus was amongst the dick-heads in our class. How then did he manage to score 9?
"sir what about us?"the entire class was thrown into pandemonium.
"never mind my good students...unu ncha were A!" Prof quickly assured us.
Then we commenced our jubilation again"Equity! Equity!Equity!" we chanted in unison..

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