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Wednesday, 5 August 2015


You know those days, those sort of days where you wake up on the wrong side of the bed just to find out that your service provider has deducted all the airtime in your account totalling about 2000naira which you intended to use in subscribing your phone for a reason which they claim they will investigate and get back to you in 48hours...hmmmm..
Those sort of days where you are called out of a church service to come attend to the pipe that just burst in your room back at home and you end up meeting a flooded room/paying for the unforeseen.
Those days when everything and everyone just seemed bitchier/annoyingly insane including your boss at work,your friends, your spouse even the roasted plantain(bole) lady.
Just when you thought it wouldn't get worst, your car is bashed by someone in traffic and you get home to find that the power is out because you didn't pay your bills Arrggghh!!
Those days that make you feel like why the hell didn't I just sleep through this day and probably try my luck tomorrow cos today's just not working.
Ever had a horrible day?
Just relax and thank God for life.
Tomorrow will be better.
As long as there is life there's hope.

N/B- you can share how your day went with us, mine was one of those days..lol

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